Posts Tagged ‘right storage’
Got good storage?
What is good storage? Good storage is easy to use, easy to access and meets your price point. I recommend a variety of storage options based on the items you need to contain. Do you want to view your item and access it easily? One of the best options are clear, plastic bins with covers. …
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What’s the right storage? The launching/landing pad, your transitional space, is a critical part of your space organization. It’s the space that sets you up to get in and out of your home or office multiple times a day with less stress. Once you’ve selected the spot for your launching/landing pad and determined how you…
Read MoreIt’s not about the box or the bin
Start with the stuff, not the box or the bin For most of us, getting organized is a challenge. As a first step, we go out and try to purchase the “right storage” – the pretty box or plastic bin. But the reality is that getting organized isn’t about the box or the bin; it’s…
Read MoreBaskets, bins and bags – oh my!
Why we need storage in transitional space. Transitional space exists in every home and office and the right storage is critical. With either a traditional mudroom or entry hall/room or that transitional space you’ve created, you’ve found the right space. So once you’ve decided on your transitional space – or “launching and landing pad” as…
Read MoreBalls, balls, everywhere….
What’s the right storage for my organizing challenge? In every home, there is a unique organizing challenge so finding the right storage solution needs to be unique and intuitive to you. Can you guess one of the most unique challenges? If you said something that’s round, bouncy and seems to multiply overnight in homes with…
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