South Shore Live Radio – WATD 95.9 FM

Date: 01/02/2012

Time: 08:30 PM

Description: Getting Organized is one of the top three resolutions of the New Year. Lisa Dooley, Professional Organizer, Tlaks about how to mangage those organizing projects to completion and make 2012 your most organized year yet!!

Location: Live on the Radio!


[map:,+Marshfield,+MA&hl=en&ll=42.105355,-70.723457&spn=0.070556,0.154324&sll=42.22798,-71.030039&sspn=0.563361,1.234589&oq=WATD+FM&hq=WATD-FM,&hnear=Marshfield,+Plymouth,+Massachusetts&t=m&z=13&iwloc=A 640 480]