Use the vertical space!
How do I use my vertical space?
When touring a client’s home or office for the first time, I am always looking for storage potential. The most under-utilized space in any home or office? The vertical wall space! The back of doors, unused wall space, blank space over desks or beds are ideal for additional storage. Not having enough storage space is one of my clients’ greatest challenges and complaints. Antique homes especially don’t have a lot of closets or attic or basement spaces. Even new homes with full and walk in closets still pose organizing challenges for special items like memorabilia or toys and books that we want to display or have easy access to. Often times the vertical space makes the easiest storage option.
What can I store in my vertical space?
A simple butler’s hook on the back of the door allows for more hanging space for a mere $5 and five minutes of work. Floating shelves or wall shelving are another easy and versatile use of the vertical space. One of my favorite easy and least expensive options? Clear hanging shoe pockets! Think intuitively – what small item do I need to see, have easy access to and be able to return to its “home” easily? Hanging shoe pockets on the back of a door are an ideal place for shoes – and so much more. These units – which retail for about $30 – can be used for almost anything. Using the vertical of open space is particularly good for display. In a child’s room, floating shelves make a great display for trophies, photos, special trinkets – all those items that generally end up on the flat surfaces in a room. This same principal applies for adult space – in an office, master bedroom, living room, etc. Any time we can take things off of the horizontal, it makes it easier to see, enjoy and these items don’t get “lost” within the room.
Creating organizing solutions in vertical space is a great way to create storage in under or non-utilized space. Taking items “up and off” horizontal surfaces keeps rooms uncluttered and easier to maintain.
Utilize the space at the foot of your bed for additional storage. Cubbies and baskets are a charming option. A chest or ottoman are chic and ideal for storing blankets, linens, and out-of-season wardrobe items.
Love this and thanks for sharing! I’ll be posting lots more ideas on storage options in the coming weeks…Have a great day!