Where to Donate and Recycle to do Good

When organizing our home or office, we often want to donate our gently used items to others but we don’t know how to get started.  Here are some ideas on where to donate, recycle and sell your items so they do some good.


Mobile phones can be recycled through Flipswap or Greenphone.com to keep your phone out of the landfill.  Donate your office supplies to iloveschools.com – just type in your zipcode and find classrooms near you in need.  Your technotrash can be sent to greendisk.com which safely recycles high tech junk and gives it new life.


There are a number of ways to get organized and help those in need…and one of my favorites, Freecycle.org, connects local households to “swap” items with local people who want them…View more ideas on Where to Get Rid of Anything online…