Turning lemons into lemonade and doing good too….
One of the most common barriers to getting organized is knowing what to do with all the stuff we no longer need or use. All of this keeps these items piled up in our space causing clutter and taking up valuable storage. At the same time, we want to know that our items are being used in a positive way. Here are some ideas on where to donate, recycle and even sell your items so they do some good.
Got a new phone as a holiday gift and the old phone is unneeded? Mobile phones can be recycled through SecondWaveRecycling – this great organization will take your older cell phone and donate the proceeds to charity. Your technotrash (old chargers, power cords, etc) can be sent to GreenDisk which safely recycles high tech junk and gives it new life.
There are a number of ways to get organized and help those in need. One of my favorites, Freecycle.org, connects you to “swap” items with local people who want and need them. View more ideas on Where to Get Rid of Anything online and start making lemonade out of those lemons…