What can you let go of on World Organizing Day?

Happy World Organizing Day 2024!  Didn’t know that was a thing?  You’re welcome!  This is the day that professional organizers celebrate the impactful work we get to do with our clients.

So, today, ask yourself what you can let go of and move on from.   Do you feel that your stuff adds value to your life and brings you joy?  Or does it cause you stress and anxiety?   Do you feel lighter and more joyful when you enter a room or do you cringe and immediately walk out due to the clutter?  I recommend to my clients that they keep two things in their space – the things they use and the things they love.  Everything else should go.  Anything that does not move you forward holds you back.  Let go of anything that does not serve you – physically, emotionally, and psychologically.

We are responsible for creating a space that we can thrive in.  Often we’re “gifted” things from family and friends and feel obligated to keep them and guilty when we want to get rid of them.  We buy things that we really don’t need and regret buying and that negative energy fills our space.  We often take those unwanted, unneeded, and unused items and hide them.  We shove them into space in our closets, drawers, and cabinets and then extend into the garage, attic, and basement.  How is that serving me and moving me forward in my life?

The writer Robert Holden said, “True wisdom is letting go of what is not valuable in order to be with what is priceless.”  Start today – World Organizing Day – to let go of the things that are holding you back and holding you down to create the space and life you truly want.  #WorldOrganizingDay #NAPOPro #yourorganizedlife #morespace #moretime #morejoy