Organizing during the quarantine…

colorful pile of files

The closets are done.  Now what? Congratulations.   Organizing closets, the junk drawer and even possibly starting on the “nether regions” like the basement, attic and garage, are all great projects.  Getting organized is a great way to feel in control and productive.   But organizing isn’t about boxes or bins; it’s not complicated filing systems or…

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Ask for help – we’ll answer the virtual call!

ask for help

A little help to organize your space and time to be most productive… By now, many of us are settled into the “new normal”, THE AFTER that we really weren’t prepared for.  Many employees are now #workingfromhome, social distancing, possibly caring for and schooling children and trying to stay mentally well and positive.  That’s a…

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How can I serve myself right now?

pablo picasso quote

How can I use my time at home most effectively? We are in unprecedented times.  Apart from those days following September 11, the United States has never seen such a slowdown of life.  And one of the biggest differences from that event and this one, the COVID-19 outbreak, is that in the wake of 9/11,…

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No more “file piles”

piles of files

Start fresh for 2020 It’s your mid-winter organizing check-in.  How are your intentions going for 2020?  We all start out the year with good intentions and goals to “do better” in the new year.  Eat better.  Exercise more.  Spend more time with friends and family.  Find a balance in our lives.  Be more organized and…

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Setting your 2020 Vision

graphic for Chalene Johnson quote

How am I using this? Nothing happens without a plan.  Do you have a plan for organizing your space in 2020?  Firstly, define your biggest “pain point”.  Is it clutter in your space?   Clutter is a deferred decision and can serve as your call to action.  When you enter your home or office, how does…

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Yes, Virginia. Santa did bring a lot of new stuff…

pile of Christmas gifts

Now, what do I do with all this?! Happy December holidays – I hope they were merry and bright.  And if you’re like most Americans, the gift-giving season was filled with lots of new stuff.  New clothes, toys, electronics, and housewares now fill our already overcrowded and cluttered spaces.  In an effort to show our…

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Ready for your Winter Wonderland?

enjoying the winter

It’s here…… Winter doesn’t officially arrive for another couple of weeks but you wouldn’t know that here in the Northeast.  So, it’s time to organize your personal winter wonderland.  When the first cold weather hits, we tend to dig through last year’s collection for a hat and some gloves for the commute or waiting for…

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Life is a highway….

more space more time organizing tip car

On the road again I recently did a social media post on keeping your car uncluttered.  And it got a LOT of attention.  Your car is an extension of the rest of your personal space because it’s full of the spillover from your personal and work life.  Your gym bag, stuff to be returned to…

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What works today may not work tomorrow…

messy files

Why is this system no longer working for me? One of the first messages I share with an organizing client is that organizing is an intuitive process.  It is intuitive to you and your family (or company) and needs to work in the context of your life.  From there,  we can create systems and solutions…

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Where the heck is that thing??

tile product

Now, where did I put that? The average American spends 40 minutes a day trying to find something that is misplaced.  That’s almost 5 hours a week that could be better spent on other priorities.  The top offenders in the “where is it?” category are wallet, car keys, purse and mobile phone.  So, how do…

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