Recovering from the holidays….

Puttingdecorationsaway2Recovering from the holidays is code for “putting things away or putting life back together”.  You can recover – start with a couple of simple steps to make the New Year clean and organized!

The two most common barriers to moving forward in the New Year?  Where to Put all the New Stuff and What To Do with all the Decorations…

Where to Put the New Stuff…

Gifts galore? Don’t forget the “one in and one out” rule even at this busy time.  Received two new sweaters as holiday gifts?  Rather than adding more stuff to your home, try to eliminate a sweater or two from your closet.  Be sure to get other family members involved too – children should take part in donating games and toys if new ones will take their place.  Less is more for the New Year. More space, fewer choices, more time to enjoy what you do keep.

What to do with all the Decorations…

Putting up the tree and the lights and the decorations is exciting in December. In January? Not so much. The less you have to put away, however, makes it much easier and faster. As you put away your decorations this year, ask yourself if you really love and enjoy looking at everything you are storing. And go through your items and trash broken items and donate those you don’t enjoy anymore.  By paring down some of these items, you can enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that next December, everything you love is in working order and stored simply with easy accessibility.