Organizing during the quarantine…

colorful pile of files

The closets are done.  Now what? Congratulations.   Organizing closets, the junk drawer and even possibly starting on the “nether regions” like the basement, attic and garage, are all great projects.  Getting organized is a great way to feel in control and productive.   But organizing isn’t about boxes or bins; it’s not complicated filing systems or…

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Is Clutter Weighing You Down?

living room clutter

Why clutter feels heavy. Hello, 2020!  Firstly, a big “thank you” to 2019 for always being there for me, day in and day out.  Another year gone in what feels like the blink of an eye.   And the New Year almost 2 months old!  So with this new year and all the possibilities and excitement…

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Setting your 2020 Vision

graphic for Chalene Johnson quote

How am I using this? Nothing happens without a plan.  Do you have a plan for organizing your space in 2020?  Firstly, define your biggest “pain point”.  Is it clutter in your space?   Clutter is a deferred decision and can serve as your call to action.  When you enter your home or office, how does…

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Yes, Virginia. Santa did bring a lot of new stuff…

pile of Christmas gifts

Now, what do I do with all this?! Happy December holidays – I hope they were merry and bright.  And if you’re like most Americans, the gift-giving season was filled with lots of new stuff.  New clothes, toys, electronics, and housewares now fill our already overcrowded and cluttered spaces.  In an effort to show our…

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Organizing Your Thanksgiving

harvest table arrangement

Ready to celebrate? When we think about the “holidays”, it’s generally the big ones in December that bring on stress and overwhelm.  But for many of us, the true holiday season starts in November with the gathering of family and friends for Thanksgiving (or Friends-giving).   Being organized can be the difference between enjoying the gathering…

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Something in, Something out

messy junk drawer

What, exactly, is this? Have you ever opened a drawer, closet or bin and wondered “what the heck is in here?”.  Welcome to the club of too much stuff and lack of organization.  In our homes and offices, we accumulate stuff because as humans, we have an amazing capacity to create use scenarios for things. …

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What is the value of this?

things to sell

What is this thing really worth? For most of us, we have things that we value highly for a number of reasons – purchase price, sentimentality, rarity, etc.   And because we treasure our things, our spaces are full of stuff – some of which we’ve purchased ourselves and some that have been gifted.  I believe…

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