Tips to Organize Any Project…

Here are some tips on how to organize any project – big or small – and get going…

Know your Deadline.
Understand how much time you have to get the project done and estimate how much time you will need.  Hint – we always underestimate how long a project will take and we are often confronted with unexpected delays (computer problems, lack of information, etc).  Set your deadline ahead of the actual deadline to give yourself a little cushion.

Analyze the Project.
Knowing what you need to do will give you the confidence to complete the task.  The more you understand what it is you need to do, the easier it will be to get it done.

Then Slice The Project Into Smaller, More Manageable Pieces.
Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps as larger tasks may become overwhelming.  Want to organize the garage?  Step One: Remove anything that doesn’t belong or is no longer needed.  Step Two: Decide how the space should be organized so it works best for everyone.  Step Three: Determine the right storage for the task.  You get the picture – now get started!

Get The Ball Rolling.
Set a timer for 15 minutes and take one small step to get started and then use that momentum to keep the project moving forward.  Block out time on your calendar to focus exclusively on the task and don’t cheat! Hint – distractions like cell phones, incoming email, etc can keep us from focusing on a challenging task.  Need to get paperwork done?  Get away from your computer screen and spread out on the kitchen table, set the timer, turn off the cell phone and get started!

Enjoy the Satisfaction of Completing the Project.
Finished that work assignment?  Got the taxes off to the accountant?  Cleaned the hall closet?  Good for you!  Reward yourself with a little “me time” or a really yummy coffee drink – you worked hard, you deserve it!