Home is where the peace is…

Why clutter is adding to your stress.

No one should feel stressed when she opens the door to her home.  Is your home providing you with a place of peace and calm, of focus and motivation?  Or is it a major source of stress and anxiety in your life? Clutter in your home translates to more stress and this leads to our life being out of balance.  One way I like to describe clutter is “deferred decisions”. I don’t know what to do with something, so I just put it down to “deal with it later”, hence clutter.  Being surrounded by clutter does not make us feel peace, the effect is just the opposite.

How do I eliminate the clutter and bring more space and more peace into my home?

Do you want your home to offer you some measure of nourishment and calm?  A good place to start is with making decisions about your stuff. When we don’t face the decisions we need to make, we use distractions to keep from having to make the tough choices.  Are you over-shopping to insulate yourself?  Using food as a reward or a way to “calm” yourself when things are too chaotic?  Finding multiple excuses to not be in the home?  These behaviors lead to more stuff in the home and an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle which compounds the stress we are already feeling.

Your home should be the place where you escape all negative forces in the world. How you live in that home – eat, breathe, sleep and connect with loved ones – should be the antidote to stress, not the cause.  Now is the time to make a change that will positively impact your life.  Don’t let any more time go by – eliminate the clutter and bring more space and peace into your home.