Redfin blog

REDFIN BLOG:  While the kitchen is the heart of the home, the bedroom is the place to find real tranquility.  I’m excited to be included in this great article on “How to Declutter Your Room: 12 Tips for Managing Bedroom Clutter Once and For All”.

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Moving safely in the time of COVID

Trust; and verify. Words to live by. And even more so now during the time of COVID. If you’re organizing your move, it’s important to double-check, and even triple check, all of the details. Because many companies’ hours have been reduced and employees are working in a remote environment, it will take longer than normal to get confirmation…

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Organizing during the quarantine…

colorful pile of files

The closets are done.  Now what? Congratulations.   Organizing closets, the junk drawer and even possibly starting on the “nether regions” like the basement, attic and garage, are all great projects.  Getting organized is a great way to feel in control and productive.   But organizing isn’t about boxes or bins; it’s not complicated filing systems or…

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Ready for your Winter Wonderland?

enjoying the winter

It’s here…… Winter doesn’t officially arrive for another couple of weeks but you wouldn’t know that here in the Northeast.  So, it’s time to organize your personal winter wonderland.  When the first cold weather hits, we tend to dig through last year’s collection for a hat and some gloves for the commute or waiting for…

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Your “Forever Documents”

forever documents in safe

What documents should I keep? Do you know you have documents you should always hold on to? Everyone does.  Examples are birth certificates, social security cards, military discharge, and citizenship papers.  You can find a list of Forever Documents here.  Are you married?  If so, your original marriage certificate is a forever document.  Keep this…

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Your “Working Documents”

effective filing system

What documents do I really need? Ever tried to find your healthcare forms or insurance policy in a crisis?  Can you put your hands on your bank statements or mortgage documents in an instant?  If you can, congratulations – you have an effective set of working documents.  But for many, this is an unlikely scenario. …

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It’s not about the box or the bin

organized pantry

Start with the stuff, not the box or the bin For most of us, getting organized is a challenge.  As a first step, we go out and try to purchase the “right storage” – the pretty box or plastic bin.  But the reality is that getting organized isn’t about the box or the bin; it’s…

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Your launching/landing pad is your friend….

organized mud room

Why do I need storage in transitional space? Entering and exiting the home easily and with less stress is a goal for everyone.  It’s important set up an effective transitional space – the “launching/landing pad” – with the right storage.  Must haves for this space include a coat rack with multiple hooks for hanging items…

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