What’s the real value of your time?

What are you spending your time on now?

As an organizing coach, I help my clients rewrite the stories of their lives.  We move from frazzled and overwhelmed to living a more calm, intentional life.  To be organized and find more space, more time and more joy, time management is key.  While there are lots of tools for time management like calendar systems, timers and “smart” electronics, first determine what is the real value of your time.  Most of us don’t know the true value of our time so we waste it on unnecessary tasks that consume too much time, effort and resources.  Break down a “typical” day into time chunks – morning, work/school, after school/work, evening, etc.  Within those segments, pinpoint the tasks that you need to complete in each block.   What tasks can you do best?  Are you maximizing your time and effort or is there room for improvement?  What tasks can be done better by someone else?

What can I outsource?

Most of us have a strong skill set that makes us effective and productive.  And we all muddle through some tasks that we can outsource to make the balance of our time more productive and less stressed.  Do you like to cook but hate to grocery shop?  Transition the grocery shopping to another family member or use one of the many food delivery services available.  Do you love Fido but getting in a long walk just doesn’t fit in your schedule most mornings?   Give that task to a household member with more time and flexibility.  Also, some folks spend their days walking dogs! Hire a professional dog walker or find a neighbor to hire or even better, barter services with.

There are a few tasks that we must do ourselves so figure out the best way to get it done.  And know that there is someone, somewhere who will gladly take over the tasks that don’t fit in your schedule or skill set.  Work to your strength and hire to your weakness.  Welcome to the new service economy!