Hooks or Hangers?
To hang or not to hang? The organizing challenges in each home and office are unique based on the layout,…
Read MoreOpen vs closed storage
What’s the right storage? The launching/landing pad, your transitional space, is a critical part of your space organization. It’s the…
Read MoreIt’s not about the box or the bin
Start with the stuff, not the box or the bin For most of us, getting organized is a challenge. As…
Read MoreIt’s not about the stuff
Why can’t I keep my stuff organized? Have you ever wondered why you can’t get or stay organized? Do you…
Read MoreClear out the junk!
“One of these things is not like the other…” Do you remember that song from Sesame Street? Keep that song…
Read MoreCan you organize me?
Why organizing needs to be intuitive… When people learn what I do, I invariably get the question “can you organize…
Read MoreLegos, legos, everywhere….
Why do Legos need a system? Whenever I give a talk or presentation, one of the most common questions is…
Read MoreDid you make a mess of your mudroom?
Why do I need an organizational system for this space? Transitional space is one of my clients’ greatest challenges to…
Read MoreWhat is an organizing “system”?
What is an effective storage system? For most of us, setting up an effective storage system is a challenge. Often,…
Read MoreIt’s not just for shoes anymore….
What’s the best solution for my storage space? In every home or office, there are unique organizing challenges. Finding the…
Read MoreHow much time did you spend hunting for your keys?
What important items do you always need? One of the most important items we are always looking for and should…
Read MoreOne of these things is not like the other…
Why transitional spaces get so cluttered and disorganized. Cluttered and disorganized mudrooms or any transitional space is very common. We…
Read MoreBaskets, bins and bags – oh my!
Why we need storage in transitional space. Transitional space exists in every home and office and the right storage is…
Read MoreBalls, balls, everywhere….
What’s the right storage for my organizing challenge? In every home, there is a unique organizing challenge so finding the…
Read MoreWhat do you want to spend time on?
What do you spend time on now? Do you really know what you spend time on? If you stop and add…
Read MoreCreating your launching/landing pad…
What is Transitional Space? Entering and exiting the home easily and with less stress is a great goal. To make…
Read MoreYour launching/landing pad is your friend….
Why do I need storage in transitional space? Entering and exiting the home easily and with less stress is a…
Read MoreThe value of letting go…
Why let it go? When it comes to managing your space – home or office – less is definitely more. …
Read MoreUse the vertical space!
How do I use my vertical space? When touring a client’s home or office for the first time, I am…
Read MoreHow can I find more time?
When I know where the find the things I’m looking for and can fit paper into a file or a…
Read MoreDoes better organization = happier kids?
Children are influenced by the state of their physical space just as you are. If clutter and disorganization in…
Read MoreWhat is your “right stuff”?
In our consumer obsessed society, we’ve been led to believe that if we can just acquire the right things, then…
Read MoreWhen less really is more…
The concept of “less” that will change our lives is less stress, less worry, less anxiety, less debt, less frustration,…
Read MoreSpring cleaning your emotional clutter…
What is clutter? Best described, clutter is anything that stands between you and the vision you have for your life…
Read MoreGive yourself a host(ess) gift – clean out your kitchen tool drawer…
It only takes a few minutes to round up duplicate tools, test them all and keep the one that works…
Read MoreWhat should I do with all this stuff??
Knowing what your items are really worth and creating a plan for how these items will be passed on will…
Read MoreMemorabilia Management 101
Getting started on memorabilia projects can seem overwhelming. Start with these easy steps: 1. Collect memorabilia from all parts of…
Read MoreNo More Cluttering Your Basement….
What do closets, attics, and basements have in common? They can all easily turn from a convenient place to store…
Read MoreCombating cabinet clutter….
Once you’ve determined the right zone – or area – for items within the kitchen, spend some time organizing your…
Read MoreWhat’s BAD about getting organized?
You’ve decided to make some changes to your home or office organization. You’re sick of the status quo and want…
Read More